Old man and the sea
I have a new theory…
Two parts in my family
A line
Sisters in Baywood
This photo is a couple of years old, but these two kids won my heart so it’s still one of my favorites.
Here’s what I wrote on Flickr:
These two little ragamuffins pretty much sum up to me what it’s like to be a kid in Baywood (though it seems they are from Morro Bay; same thing.). Devil may care and very free spirits. It is a great place to be a kid.
These two little pumpkins befriended me yesterday with open arms, open hearts, open smiles. And then they demanded I take their picture. Again! Again! Again! Again!
When I had to leave I had to get out of my car twice before pulling away to say “goodbye goodbye!!” and “yes!! i will send you copies!!”
The elder said “show these pictures to everyone you know!! Your friends!! Your family!! Tell them it is me!!”
Okay little Georgia Super Star Stealer of My Heart and Super Lovely Kathleen with the Oh So Serious Look but Really Oh So Quizzical Happy Heart, here you are.
XO girls.