Bluff Trail, MdO | Week 1 | Beach a Week
This is what MdO looks like middish/beginningish of March.
There was a music video being shot. If you ever see a video with four ghoulish monks and some white guy on a cliff near the sea, this was it.
mdo music video from emdot on Vimeo.
It’s good to get your feet sandy
Or to at least smell the salt air.
In honor of my beautiful surroundings, daylight-savings time, and the pure want to spend more time outdoors, I have started a new challenge for myself: going to the beach at least once week. Should be easy! If more days per week happen, bonus.
What I don’t want to happen is for July to roll around and realize that oh no we are already on the downside of days getting shorter and I lost out on all those hours I could have been outside smelling salty air or getting my feet sandy.
This begins the week of March 11, 2013 and I will continue until the first week of November (because I promise you (fake, play) money that the first week of November will be awesome and summerlike and we will say “Can you believe it’s November 3rd?” <-- This happens every year).
Dan’s Big Sur Birthday | Month 1 | Sur a Month
Sur a Month, first of twelve.
Dan’s birthday. Favorite people. Favorite campsite. Favorite place on earth. It was pretty good. Highlights (besides being with these people who make my heart so warm): Shane’s amazing campsite Paella (he made two: one gargantuan and one smaller and vegan), buying a Henry Miller book at the Henry Miller library, singing around the campfire and fully appreciating the new car-camping foam mattresses. First time ever sleeping well in a tent.
Hello Big Sur, let’s hang out more often
The goal: Get to Big Sur once a month for 12 months beginning March 2013. Sometimes will be camping, some times will be day trips.
I actually do go to Big Sur frequently just not nearly as much as I’d like. Also, I tend to go to favorite spots over and over. This goal should give me ample time to try out new hikes, campsites, restaurants, and locations.
Mission La Purisma, in the arch version
MLKJr Sunset
It was hot in San Luis today
Surfliner: IRV to SLO
When you take the Amtrak Surfliner between SLO to So Cal, you get about one hour’s worth of private ocean time. What I mean by that is that the tracks hug a part of the coast you can’t see (or get to) by car. Private glimpses into a mostly undeveloped area of California that most never get to see.
Over the past few years I’ve noticed this one spot… it had two airstreams. What a coincidence how they were always there camping as my train went by. Over the years the Airstreams have multiplied and they seem to be more permanent fixture than Weekend Warrior Happenstance.
I asked around and the story I heard is that they belong to a famous director (I guarantee you’ve seen his movies). He owns a wide, wide swath of land and has it mostly to himself, unless a train goes by.